General Meeting of the Willamette Valley Beekeeping Association
January 23, 2017
Chemeketa Community College Bldg. 8, Room 201
The first meeting of the year was called to order by President Richard Ferrier at 7:15 PM.
New Business: Richard announced that Ross Conrad will be our speaker in February. He will be speaking about natural beekeeping. Richard may try to secure another room for this presentation, as the current room may not hold all of the attendees for this excellent presentation. Mona Kanner volunteered to host Ross.
Richard talked about a new beekeeping book, Simple Smart Beekeeping by Kirsten Shoshanna Traynor and photography by Michael Traynor. It is a beginning book on beekeeping and the photographs are very well done and show many of the diseases and problems you need to be aware of as a beginner beekeeper.
Richard also spoke briefly about Randy Oliver’s new oxalic treatment in the “American Beekeeping Journal”/January issue. Todd suggested that WVBA should support him with a donation of some kind. Richard also informed us that Randy Oliver will be speaking in Portland soon.
Election of Officers: The slate of officers for the upcoming year, January 2017- December 2017 are as follows:
- President: Richard Ferrier
- Vice President: Mona Kanner
- Treasurer: Laura Evans
- Secretary: Shelley Gowell
There was a brief discussion about having 5 Board members instead of just 4 in order for the WVBA to be under the insurance umbrella of the OSBA. Jim Kingsbury made a motion that WVBA have a Member at Large in order to have 5 Board members. Bob Richards 2nd the motion and the motion passed unanimously. After another brief discussion it was decided that the Member at Large should be our librarian, Erma Hamilton.
The slate of officers were presented again, including Erma Hamilton as Member at Large.
Warren Gookin made a motion to accept the slate of officers as presented. Jim Kingsbury seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Erma Hamilton brought up the subject of an additional person to do the snacks, as it is too much for her to cart around all the library books plus the snacks for every meeting. Terry Holm said that she would take care of the snacks for the meetings. Members were encouraged to step up to the plate and volunteer to bring a snack to one of the meetings this year.
Treasure’s Report: Laura Evans presented an Accounts List summary for the WVBA with a cash balance of $5,384.16. Laura collected dues for the year, which is $25.00 for an individual or a family. If you are participating in Bee School, the fee is an additional $10 or $35.00 or $45.00 for which you receive a book, The Beekeeper’s Handbook.
New Business: The WVBA Bee School will be held Feb. 16, Feb 21 and Feb 23 from 7PM to 9PM in this same room, Bldg 8 Room 201. Richard Ferrier will be in charge of the Bee School again this year. Bee Day has not yet been announced.
Richard announced that Ruhl Bee, a division of Brushy Mountain, will be selling packages of bees this year for $120.00 with pick up date of Apr 12 and Apr 19. Their nucs will be priced at $145 plus a $30 deposit and are available for pick up on Apr 7, Apr 21, Apr 28 and May 12. If interested, call to reserve your bees today. Jim Kingsbury has frames for sale if anyone is interested. Richard announced that he knows of lots of folks who have already lost hives, but he did not care to speculate as to
Jim Kingsbury has frames for sale if anyone is interested. Richard announced that he knows of lots of folks who have already lost hives, but he did not care to speculate as to
Richard announced that he knows of lots of folks who have already lost hives, but he did not care to speculate as to
Richard announced that Ruhl Bee, a division of Brushy Mountain, will be selling packages of bees this year for $120.00 with pick up date of Apr 12 and Apr 19. Their nucs will be priced at $145 plus a $30 deposit and are available for pick up on Apr 7, Apr 21, Apr 28 and May 12. If interested, call to reserve your bees today. Jim Kingsbury has frames for sale if anyone is interested. Richard announced that he knows of lots of folks who have already lost hives, but he did not care to speculate as to
Jim Kingsbury has frames for sale if anyone is interested. Richard announced that he knows of lots of folks who have already lost hives, but he did not care to speculate as to
Richard announced that he knows of lots of folks who have already lost hives, but he did not care to speculate as to why, however the weather has been very cold for the valley and for an extended period of time. There being no other business to come before
There being no other business to come before membership, Richard proceeded to the drawing. Many members contributed items to the raffle. Richard thanked everyone who contributed.
There being no other business to come before the members, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.
Respectfully submitted
Shelley Gowell, Secretary