Willamette Valley Beekeepers Association
Minutes of May 22, 2017 Meeting
The May 22, 2017, meeting of the WVBA was called to order by President Richard Ferrier at 7:05 PM.
Richard updated the membership on the Nuc program. One nuc ordered the by the Association remains. The nucs delivered were top notch and full of brood. Only one complaint was received. Richard was thanked and applauded for his effort to run this program. Future nuc sales were discussed with the possible future inclusion of a $15 service charge as a future fundraising option.
New books are available for check out including:
- “Natural Beekeeping by Ross Conrad
- “Honeybee Democracy” by Tom Sealy
- “Simple Smart Beekeeping”
- “Beekeepers Problem Solver”
- “Beginning Beekeeping”
- “Homegrown Honeybees”
The membership roster was passed out and is available online.
News Flashes from Richard:
- The Flow Hive company has gone out of business
- Cedar boxes are now available for purchase (See Rick)
- Mann Lake has a new quick Start” frame with more wax on a yellow frame.
- Sample hive sheets were distributed
- There is a need for mentors in the Aumsville and Rickreal areas.
- A new mite is moving north from South America.
Richard led a discussion on bee neglect and the effect on other beekeepers. One study has established that sick bees from a collapsed hive were found in every hive within a three mile radius of the collapsed hive.
Richard advised that the Association will not have a booth at the State Fair this year. Discussion ensued regarding the Lynn and Marion County fairs.
Anna was given a Certificate of Appreciation for her service to the Association. Mona was recognized for her beehive tour for Chemekata students (applause).
Dewey presented preliminary figures on Bee losses during 2016. 282 Oregon beekeepers responded to the 2016-2017 survey. Average hive losses were 48%, The WVBA average was 43.5%, Corvallis had the highest losses at 79%.
Dewey theorized that increased use of oxolic acid treatments may be responsible for reductions in losses. More research is needed. Dewey also reported findings showing more mite resistance to Apivar.
Richard revealed his secrets for catching swarms:
- Wear a veil
- Brushes are useless
- Use of old comb is effective
- Smoking is not effective
- Bait boxes can be effective
- Always place an old frame in a bait box.
- Bee attractant can be used.
- Some swarms are actually the queen on her maiden voyage;
The next meeting will be on June 26, 2017 in room 201 of Building 9.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shelley Gowell