Winterizing bee hives

Proper ventilation is important for bee colonies year round but can be especially critical in the winter. In the PNW, moisture, rather than cold temperatures, is a major contributor to decreased survival. Bees can amazingly well tolerate cold but less so when they are wet. High hive moisture is due to the condensation of water

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Winterizing bee hives

Proper ventilation is important for bee colonies year round but can be especially critical in the winter. In the PNW, moisture, rather than cold temperatures, is a major contributor to decreased survival. Bees can amazingly well tolerate cold but less so when they are wet. High hive moisture is due to the condensation of water

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So what is your May plan?

May and Memorial Day bracket this busy bee month. I start analyzing the pnwhoneybeesurvey responses this month, including those from WVBA members. Results will be posted as soon as I can get them gathered and analyzed. Thanks to all who filled in a survey. In May, bee-wise, we should have strong colonies. Some (or most)

So what is your May plan? Read More »

So what is your May plan?

May and Memorial Day bracket this busy bee month. I start analyzing the pnwhoneybeesurvey responses this month, including those from WVBA members. Results will be posted as soon as I can get them gathered and analyzed. Thanks to all who filled in a survey. In May, bee-wise, we should have strong colonies. Some (or most)

So what is your May plan? Read More »