
Diagnosis of deadouts

PARASITIC MITE SYNDROME (PMS) Parasitic Mite Syndrome is a condition, not a specific disease whereby a honey bee colony dies rapidly in the fall months. The initial PMS field symptoms include reduced adult population and spotty brood pattern with dying larvae. These symptoms intensify over a short time as the colony gets close to dying.  […]

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SWARMING Problems from swarming Reduces the worker force Hive that swarms may not make any surplus honey Sometimes the swarm is not recovered Valuable queens can be lost There may be after-swarms which further reduces the worker force Factors that may lead to swarming (“Suggested”) Overcrowded hive Congestion of the brood area or lack of

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Swarm Control

If you think of your hive as having three parts, swarm control will involve separating one of these three parts from the other two. The three parts are:  1) Queen 2)  Brood and Nurse Bees 3)  Flying Force To separate the Queen:  Make a nucleus to separate the Queen from the parent colony which has

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