Willamette Valley Beekeepers Association (WVBA) Established in 1967.
Our October and November meetings will be held in Building 9, Room 115 at Chemeketa Community College. Our speaker for October will be presenting on the subject of mead.

The 2015 Oregon State Fair was a big hit. The booth was visited by thousands of fair goers. It seemed that both the volunteers and fair goers had a great time at the bee booth. I did find it interesting that several visiting beekeepers turned out to be in the category of people who disregard their bees. Two couples haven’t even checked their bees since they installed them back in April (OH MY!). There were many great questions from fair goers. It seems they have some knowledge of honeybees these days. I was thrilled to see that there were more beeswax, bee photos, and honey entries than in the past several years.
2015 Oregon State Fair Winners
Class 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
Extracted Honey Light Shelley Gowell Gene Doyle Mark Minzlaff
Extracted Honey Amber Shelley Gowell Gene Doyle Mark Horner
Extracted Honey Dark Amber Reese Steven Coffman Kerry Haskins
Extracted Honey Youth Aliza Stapleton Zane Minzlaff Beatrice Stapleton
Extracting Frame Rob Dellenback Shelley Gowell
Chunk Honey Jar Judy Scher
Beeswax Block Mark Minzlaff Gene Doyle Ciera Wilson
Beeswax Candle Steven Coffman Ciera Wilson
Beekeeping Photo Esme Weil David Matis
Beekeeping Photo Tyler Lazz Jacob Weil Esme Weil
Beekeeping Photo Youth Zirk Weil
Comb Honey Square Judy Scher
Comb Honey Round Ciera Wilson
I have immense gratitude for all who planned and set-up the booth; Trevor Riches (Chair, OSBA Fair and Events Committee), Todd Bartlem, Fred Mann, Bunny Carter, and Dewey Caron. It was a wonderful and professional exhibit. I know each of these people have spent a great deal of their own money on fuel, time, and supplies. Much time was spent at meetings and planning. It’s great to have a crew of professionals that make things happen.
A huge thank you to all the volunteers that managed the exhibit. It’s great that beekeepers from many of the beekeeping associations step up and volunteer their precious time. Thank You !!!
Bob Allen Paul Anderson Gus Arzner Anna Ashby
Troy Bany Todd Bartlem Daren Beck Jody Beck
Victor Berthelsdorf Sally Bozarth Scott Branch Dale Bryant
Susan Bryant Adrianna Busby Mike Card Dewey Caron
Bunny Carter Grace Clark Jeff Clark Monica Clark
Arthur Cocker Veronica Cocker Jim Colter Kathy Cope
Emily Cross Heather Dawson Pam Derrickson Dave Downs
Marjorie Ehry Barbara Elliot Laura Evens Rebecca Fain
Bob Falconer Jessie Farrier Rich Farrier Nate Ferguson
Mike France Terry Fullan Warren Gookin Shelley Gowell
Jeff Hall Alicia Hamilton Herman Holm Terry Holm
Dave Howard Alexander Howitt Dianne Hutto Jay Irvin
Bret Jensen Cheryl Jordan Jack Jordan Lydia Juhasz
Ray Juhasz Everett Kaser Bonnie King Beverley Koch
Ray Krass Brian Kruse Billie Kuenzi Max Kuhn
Pamela Larsen Fred Mann Mark Manthey Wendi Manthey
Suzi Maresh Dawn Marks Richard Marks Art Martinak
John Martinson David Matis Delsey Maus Jamie McGee
Jeremy Mitchell Louise Nardi Cary Nodine Craig Nodine
Randy Nodyke Karen Oda Stephen Oda Rick Olson
Alden Potter Kristin Rifai Amber Reese Lil Reitzel
Bob Richard Kristen Richard Jim Robb Dennis Robbins
Camila Robinson Francis Rothauge Kristen Saxton Stan Scotton
Diana Scoville Larry Scoville Margie Seeley Larry Seeley
Steve Soma Mike Standing Kate Wagner Eric Walls
Kristen Walls Jeff Warren Sally White Jodi Wiktotowski
Ember Williams Renea Williams Zach Williams Robert Williams
George Woodward Tim Wydronek Leticia Yniguez Linda Zah
Ruhl Bee Supply, a division of Brushy Mountain Bee Farm, has opened their new store at 29600 SW Seely Ave., Suite B, Wilsonville, OR 97070. They offer free shipping on an order over 150 dollars. Their phone number is: 503-657-5399.
Thank you to Farrier Farms for their donation of a new double stainless steel sieve to WVBA.
Continue to monitor the varroa mites in your hives. Varroa mites have been far too prolific in most hives this year. Did your treatment work? Did your hive(s) get reintroduced to mites from drifting, robbing, etc? If you are feeding, discontinue the feeding of liquid syrup. If you need to feed, then feed fondant or a mixture of half drivert sugar and half granulated sugar. Just place this mixture on wax paper on the top of the hive.
Cheers, Rich