We had a great picnic this year at the OSU Oak Creek Center for Urban Horticulture. It was a warm day, however we had plenty of shade and a nice breeze at times. It was a nice time to get together with other beekeepers and tell some big stories. We did get the chance to learn about foulbrood thanks to Ciera Wilson. In fact, thanks to Ciera, Cody the groundskeeper and gardener, and Andy. These three folks are from Oregon State.They all helped and we’re very thankful. The food was great again this year. Bunny ordered the chicken from the Market of Choice in Corvallis. She suggested we try some chicken strips. They were a big hit. Thanks Bunny for helping in the planning of the picnic. Thanks to Trevor for helping in the setup of the picnic. This year numerous people brought items for door prizes. In fact, so many gracious people brought items that I don’t have room to list them all. You know who you are and thank you very much. One of the popular items was the swarm trap boxes. Thanks to Erma for helping during the serving of the food. Thank you to Robin and Lucy for their help in cleaning up. Thanks to my wife, Jessie, for her help before, during, and after the picnic. This year we invited the Linn-Benton Beekeepers Association to our picnic. We figure that 80 people attended.
A reminder to take your supers off and deal with the varroa mites.
If you are interested in the “Bee Aware” flag, click on the photo that I have included and there is information about ordering the flags.
This months August meeting is going to be about Medications and Winter Preparations. Hope to see you at the meeting.
Cheers, Rich